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All this and more on Babes and Bad Decisions!Ĭharlotte is back, vaxxed, and needs to get a wax! And if you’re one of her coworkers, welcome! Emily sets the scene this week on a topic she’s waited two years to talk about - post-graduate life. Take a sip of water every time we say “flaw” (stay hydrated, Babes), and maybe keep a glass of wine nearby too. And remember to only share your concerns if you have their best interests in mind. The Babes get into when it’s time to have that talk with your friend and how to have a healthy version of that conversation. Would you want to know your fatal flaw? Well we sure do! Elaina drops a truth bomb and we air our friendship dirty laundry (seriously, we really hash out the trauma this week). Fatal flaws leave you feeling emotionally drained, and if that person is not actively working on improving themselves, then it may be time to end the friendship. This week we’ve been inspired by the lovely Tinx on Tik Tok and her theory on “Fatal Friendship Flaws.” Everyone has flaws (some more than others), and when looking at a friendship there comes a time where you have to decide if you accept the flaw and keep the friendship or you let that person go.

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Welcome back to Babes and Bad Decisions where Charlotte is pressed and women’s sizing is bullsh*t.

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