Spiderman gay xnxx

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Peter Parker, meanwhile, has a stricter set of rules his full name, race and sexual orientation are defined (Peter Benjamin Parker, Caucasian and straight, respectively), as are details about his origins as a superhero - although, interestingly, his age is up for grabs with regards to the origin he “gains his powers while attending either middle school or college,” Marvel insisted - and, oddly enough, where he was raised, has to be Queens, New York. For Spider-Man, Marvel determined that he must be male and “not a homosexual,” with the interesting addition that the latter would be invalidated if “Marvel has portrayed that character as a homosexual.” Additionally, he does not torture, does not kill “unless in defense of self or others,” doesn’t smoke or abuse alcohol, sell or distribute drugs, or have sex before the age of 16 or with anyone below that age.

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